About Us
Get to know how we get down at Padilla.

Our Promise
Ideas grounded in research and fueled by creativity.
We harness fresh insights to get at the truth of why something just “is” so we can build campaigns that captivate and connect.
A business-first focus on problem-solving and results.
We help you see through the flying debris and deliver the right blend of expertise to ensure programs always add business value.
Stronger connections that grow with you.
Content is nothing without connectivity. We help you deliver it in the right place and time to build trust and engage your audiences.
A true partner invested in your success.
We work in the trenches with our clients — we are as passionate about your organization's objectives as we are about your team's success.

Our Commitments
What we do day in and day out
We're transforming with purpose to lead our industry.
We seize the opportunities to strengthen the world around us.
We create spaces that spark collaboration and inspire great work.
One Padilla
We bring together the expertise from our four brands to form a singular ensemble team for each of our clients. This seamless experience across our offices from coast to coast means we’re not big nor small — we’re exactly what you’re looking for.

Local Expertise, Global Reach
As part of AVENIR GLOBAL, a Montreal-based powerhouse of communications consultancies across the globe, we collectively rank among the top 25 largest agencies in the world. As a founding member of the Worldcom Public Relations Group, Padilla provides services to clients through 115 offices worldwide.

Reach Out
We're excited to talk transformation and help you get where you need to be.