Leadership + Communication Coaching
Deliver your vision for the future with confidence and clarity.

As a leader, you have great ideas and initiatives for moving your organization forward.
Communicate them well, and you achieve your goals. Communicate them poorly, and your goals – and even your organization – could be at risk.
The thing is, few if any of us are born effective communicators. And that can put your goals and even your organization at risk. That’s what PadillaPrep is designed to address. Padilla’s expanded coaching program helps you break through, engage with, and persuade your audiences – the ones essential to your success; and ours. Our proven best practices, tools and techniques will maximize your strengths and help you conquer your fears, no matter what communications opportunity – or challenge – comes your way.
When you partner with us, you get more than media experts (though you’ll get that too). You get multichannel, multi-industry strategists. We integrate our knowledge of the competitive landscape and your organization’s strategic objectives to bring you a series of coaching modules designed to help you communicate effectively and authentically as your brand’s leader. Courses include media relations, leader communications, presentation, crisis communications and writing coaching, among others.
Corporate Advisory Group
Investor Relations
Employee Engagement + Culture
Crisis + Issues Management
Social Impact Consulting
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We're excited to talk transformation and help you get where you need to be.